5 positive things that have developed out of lockdown for me ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿงก

It’s so easy to focus on the negative during this lockdown but I find it helpful to focus on the positives to get me through it. And I’m not saying that it hasn’t been difficult at times but here are 5 positive things that I have discovered during lockdown…

1. I have spent some quality time with my family!

Although I haven’t been able to see all my family for a while, I have had a wonderful time with them via FaceTime and Zoom; chatting, being silly and doing quizzes. It has been really nice as everyone has been able to give their full attention without the distraction of tv or anything else and there has been many happy memories made!

Our latest family zoom quiz!

2. I have spent some quality time with my friends!

We have been using zoom, WhatsApp and FaceTime (other apps available ๐Ÿ˜œ) to chat, have dinner with and of course, play quizzes together. It’s been so nice to take time out and have a good laugh (especially at my lack of quiz skills ๐Ÿ˜‚).

One of our many Zoom quizzes (that I lost as usual!)

3. I have been able to try new recipes!

Having time at home means that I have had time to try new recipes, such as a roasted vegetable bake, an orange gin cake, coconut ice and tomorrow, I am making vodka brownies! It is so therapeutic for me to bake and they tasted pretty good too (if I do say so myself ๐Ÿ˜‰).

My orange gin cake (which didn’t last long)!

4. I have started to appreciate the beauty of nature!

I’m definitely an indoors person but since I have been stuck indoors, I have really appreciated the daily walks that I have been taking and have started to notice the beauty of the nature around me!

One of my nature shots!

5. I have seen so many acts of kindness in the community and around the country!

It has been so heartwarming to see how everyone has come together to help everyone. From clapping for the key workers every Thursday, to dropping off food to people who can’t leave the house, to raising money for PPE in the NHS and care homes. The lockdown has really brought out the community spirit out in us!

So there are some positives that I have found in lockdown. If you have any positives yourself or know of any acts of kindness that you would like to share, please comment and let me know!

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